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Madhya Pradesh, India
I met GOD last nite..He was confused and needed my help in buying his new laptop...He said He was unable to maintain such a lot of data in his older one..I helped him get the new...and He was happy..The next day I found myself dead..guess wot, it was my name He wanted to add in the list of heaven goers..so I helped him kill myself..and he said he loved me for that.. I dont have access to Internet here..they say they have it in hell..planning to switch now..donno whether yamraj would take me or not..they say written is too tuff for hell..but once in there no work at all..Hurray!!

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Saurabh's World

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bandaa Re.............

मौको कहाँ ढूँढे रे बंदे, मैं तो तेरे पास में ,
ना तीरथ में ना मूरत में, ना एकांत निवास में,
ना मंदिर में ना मस्जिद में, ना कभी कैलाश में
मैं तो तेरे पास में बंदे....मैं तो तेरे पास में ,

खोजी होये तुरंत मिल जाऊं, एक पल की तलाश में
कहत कबीर सुनो भाई साधु, मैं तो हूँ विश्‍वास में 
ओ बंदा रे.....मैं तो तेरे पास में..!
ओ बंदा रे.....मैं तो तेरे पास में..!

ना मैं जप में, ना मैं तप में, ना व्रत उपवास में
ना मैं किरया करम में रहता, ना ही जोग सन्यास में
नही प्राण में नही पिंड में,ना ब्रह्मांड आकाश में, 
ना मैं प्रकृति प्रवार गुफा में, ना ही स्वास की साँस में

खोजी होये तुरंत मिल जाऊं, एक पल की तलाश में
कहत कबीर सुनो भाई साधु, मैं तो हूँ विश्‍वास में 
ओ बंदा रे.....मैं तो तेरे पास में..!
ओ बंदा रे.....मैं तो तेरे पास में..!

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Gone are the days........but not the memories

Gone are the days
When the school reopened in June,
And we settled in our new desks and benches.

Gone are the days
When we queued up in book depot,
And got our new books and notes.

Gone are the days
When we wanted two Sundays and no Mondays, yet
Managed to line up daily for the morning prayers.

Gone are the days
When we chased one another in the corridors in Intervals,
And returned to the classrooms drenched in sweat.

Gone are the days
When we had lunch in classrooms, corridors,
Playgrounds, under the trees and even in cycle sheds.

Gone are the days
When a single P.T. period in the week's Time Table, Was awaited more
eagerly than the monsoons.

Gone are the days
Of fights but no conspiracies,
Of Competitions but seldom jealousy.

Gone are the days
When we used to watch Live Cricket telecast,
In the opposite house in Intervals and Lunch breaks.

Gone are the days
When few rushed at 5:30 to
"Conquer" window seats in our School bus.

Gone are the days
Of Sports Day, and the annual School Day,
And the one-month long preparations for them.

Gone are the days
Of the stressful Quarterly, Half Yearly and Annual Exams,
And the most enjoyed holidays after them.

Gone are the days
We learnt, we enjoyed, we played, we won, we lost, We laughed, we
we fought, we thought.

Gone are the days
With so much fun in them, so many friends,
So much experience, all this and more.

Gone are the days
But not the memories, which will be
Lingering in our hearts for ever and ever and
Ever and ever and Ever.

I hope you went back to your Golden Olden days..........

For a while..........as I DID!!

Didnt u????