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Madhya Pradesh, India
I met GOD last nite..He was confused and needed my help in buying his new laptop...He said He was unable to maintain such a lot of data in his older one..I helped him get the new...and He was happy..The next day I found myself dead..guess wot, it was my name He wanted to add in the list of heaven goers..so I helped him kill myself..and he said he loved me for that.. I dont have access to Internet here..they say they have it in hell..planning to switch now..donno whether yamraj would take me or not..they say written is too tuff for hell..but once in there no work at all..Hurray!!

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Saurabh's World

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Thoughts on THOUGHTS.....

Strange are the ways of thinking & stranger still the thoughts... The eternal business that our mind keeps itself engaged in 24 x 7... They don’t have a self unless, one gives them a shape, a shape they can acquire when given a name... But strange enough as soon as they get a name, they are categorized as Good or Bad...

Love is Good, Hatred is bad;

Charity is Good, Selfishness is bad...

Just a label transforms a thought into a virtue or vice & why not! After all thoughts only motivate & inspire a person to act... Simple thoughts that govern rise & fall of dynasties & human beings...

But sometimes there are certain thoughts keep searching for words of ex-pression.. As if searching for a destination, a place where they will find their entity, where they would be able to realize themselves, where they would be heard, get known & could flow to the minds of others… Where someone else could identify with their existing non-existence... These thoughts which neither have a name, nor do they transpire themselves into action... Such thoughts live an ephemeral existence; as if transiting through the mind like rabbits hopping through the jungle, appearing for a while, attracting attention & then disappearing leaving behind a memory... although these thoughts remain unexpressed yet they leave an indelible mark on our personalities...

Whatever the thoughts may be: with a name or without, whether they are able to materialize into action or not and whether they get an ex-pression or not... Still they remain as thoughts, thoughts that make us what we are & thoughts that determine what we would be… They are the unique characteristic of mankind that distinguishes an individual from another, a mark of our own uniqueness & individuality...

Sometimes I wonder, but for these thoughts; could we have an identity? & If yes how meaningful would it have been, apart from adding to just another species on this heavenly planet… without these thoughts could we claim to be living then rather than merely existing… Thoughts are Thoughts after all!!


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