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Madhya Pradesh, India
I met GOD last nite..He was confused and needed my help in buying his new laptop...He said He was unable to maintain such a lot of data in his older one..I helped him get the new...and He was happy..The next day I found myself dead..guess wot, it was my name He wanted to add in the list of heaven goers..so I helped him kill myself..and he said he loved me for that.. I dont have access to Internet here..they say they have it in hell..planning to switch now..donno whether yamraj would take me or not..they say written is too tuff for hell..but once in there no work at all..Hurray!!

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Saurabh's World

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Key To Success

1. Ask For What You Want. How does the world know what to give you unless you put it out there? Ask for what you want and need.

2. Be The Person You Want To Be. It's call modeling. If you act like it, people will believe it. Assume the role you want others to see you in. Sell it from the inside out.

3. Believe In Yourself. If you don't, no one will. People will follow; you just need to lead them. Forget worrying; concentrate on making things happen. Action and momentum are infectious.

4. Make A Plan. No one goes anywhere without a destination. Know your destination, and plot your journey. Take whatever pleasures you need on the way, but know that you are moving forward and will arrive at your destination.

5. Nervous Or Excited. Realize that being nervous is the same as being excited. Instead of dreading it, welcome the surge of positive energy. Own it, and use it. It's infectious in a good way!

6. Thinking About Your Failure Brings Your Failure. Concentrate on your success and watch it happen. Your mind will move in whatever direction you point it in. Make sure it's pointed toward where you want to go and not otherwise.

7. Feel Whatever Way You Choose. You control your feelings. You allow yourself to be upset, annoyed or frustrated. Only you control your feelings and no one else. Take back the power you give others and choose to feel strong, clear-minded and in control.

8. Communicate. Listening and being understood are the keys to communication. People want to talk about themselves and they want to hear interesting things about you. No one wants to hear a sermon or hear a rant about your latest victory or great audition. Listen, observe and speak about mutually interesting subjects. Otherwise, you're a bore.

9. Freak Out. Bad audition, interview or meeting? Take ten minutes to beat yourself up. Blame yourself, be annoyed and frustrated. Then,learn your lesson and move on. Now that all your anger is gone, put your energy into the lessons learned and move forward once again.

10. Speak Your Mind, NOW. People swallow their feelings and anger; they postpone what they really want to say, thinking, "I'll just wait till a good time." DON'T! Handle the situation now, before the situation changes. Have a problem? Be a diplomat and talk about it. Handling a minor situation now will prevent it from becoming a festering chasm of misunderstanding and resentment later.

11. Dive In. Dive in and address the problem. Address your feelings and say, "I've got to be honest, I'm a big fan and I'm feeling a little intimidated right now." Everyone wants to deal with someone who's truthful and honest, and not afraid to address their own insecurities.

12. Exploit Yourself. Find out what makes you different and exploit it. Each of you has a quality that makes you unique. Instead of trying to be what others are, exploit your uniqueness.

13. Don't Accept The Unacceptable. Train people to treat you as you want to be treated. Being late is not acceptable, not returning calls is not acceptable and them not doing their job is not acceptable. Don't accept these behaviors from people.

14. Walk A Mile In Someone Else's Shoes. Be someone else. Changing perspective is an amazing tip to see the world from another point of view. You'll be amazed at the new perspective you gain.

15. Say Thank You. Send an email, a card or a simple phone call. Don't underestimate the value of someone feeling appreciated and recognized for their efforts. It leaves a lasting impression when someone thanks you for meeting or helping them.

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