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Madhya Pradesh, India
I met GOD last nite..He was confused and needed my help in buying his new laptop...He said He was unable to maintain such a lot of data in his older one..I helped him get the new...and He was happy..The next day I found myself dead..guess wot, it was my name He wanted to add in the list of heaven goers..so I helped him kill myself..and he said he loved me for that.. I dont have access to Internet here..they say they have it in hell..planning to switch now..donno whether yamraj would take me or not..they say written is too tuff for hell..but once in there no work at all..Hurray!!

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Saurabh's World

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Mystry in Friendship

Mostly we meet many strangers in our life, sometimes we don’t take them seriously and sometimes they becomes very special to us, and thinks like if we had not met them,what would have been happened to our life.Their existence really matters to us. These special one in our life are our FRIENDS .

Friends may come and go. When they come, it is a pleasure for me. When they go, I believe they leave a sweet memory. Keeping friends is one of the exciting events in one’s life. Being with them is joyous moment. Laughing together, talking about anything under the sun, sharing even the very secrets of life and of course, eating together.

I missed those days when it was still so easy to be where my friends are. We still seemed to have similar interests. Time came when we had to let go of each other. When we lead separate ways and pursue different careers. So, it became so hard to meet and jam.

Nevertheless, I realized that setting time with friends, particularly the old ones, became a sacrifice now. It was a pleasurably sacrifice to meet old friends now. Even if it was hard, we still tried.

Such moment becomes another page in my Friendship Story. Nothing can really compare with the Joy of Friendship. The joy never fades.After walking some distance on a strange path with them they disappears like they hadn’t even existed. But they leave their memory forever.

That’s all mysterious why we met if we were gonna loose them. Strange but true.......

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